May 24, 2024
Get the #GirlDad in your life a perfect gift for Father's Day. Tye The Dreamer is a story about a daddy’s girl who has a big heart and bigger dreams. Written by Dr. Stephany Coakley. Purchase your copy here.
The Business of Creativity Podcast highlights creativity in business leadership, management, and...
May 17, 2024
Get the #GirlDad in your life a perfect gift for Father's Day. Tye The Dreamer is a story about a daddy’s girl who has a big heart and bigger dreams. She loves her cat, her friends, and her community. Tye lives with her father who loves and supports her dreams unconditionally. One day he gives her a gift, and they...
May 12, 2024
@1QLeadership Question: What are the elements of an effective student-athlete mental health program?
Dr. Stephany Coakley, Sr. Associate Athletics Director for Mental Health at Temple University, discusses the functions and processes in place that make up the TUWell program. She covers aspects of creating...