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May 24, 2021

Rice Provost, Dr. Reggie DesRoches, visits @1QLeadership guest host Blair on the role of the Provost on campus. As the former Faculty Athletics Representative for Georgia Tech, DesRoches discusses helping faculty understand the commitment and efforts put forth by Student-Athletes. The discussion goes into the...

May 12, 2021

University of San Diego Sr. Associate AD/Chief Development Officer/SWA, Marcy Lanoue, visits @1QLeadership to talk about her career experiences in external affairs and fundraising. Lanoue goes into some of the challenges and ways to be creative in overcoming the challenges of working in athletics development,...

May 4, 2021

Ashwin Puri, Sr. Associate AD and Chief Athletics Operations Officer at Villlanova, visits @1QLeadership to discuss how his background in professional sports has influenced his experience in college athletics. The primary difference is understanding what (or who) is defined as the bottom line. He reflects on the moment...